Elvis Presley Radio Station
Elvis Presley March 30, 1961
Just five days after the extraordinary March 25, 1961 show at Hawaii’s Bloch Arena, a resolution was passed “expressing gratitude and appreciation to Elvis Presley and Colonel Tom Parker” for helping to raise funds for the USS Arizona.
On March 30, the Hawaii House of Representatives passed Special Resolution 105 in gratitude to Elvis and Colonel Parker.
The benefit for the Arizona memorial could be considered a good career move, as it helped Elvis become more acceptable to an adult audience, but his career was not the only reason Elvis agreed to do the concert.
Elvis Presley had a sensitive and generous nature, and throughout his life Elvis gave freely to charities and other worthy causes, whether or not he received publicity.
Five years after this benefit, while filming “Paradise Hawaiian Style”, Elvis visited the entire memorial and laid a wreath there.
Photographers and reporters rushed to record the event, but Elvis chased them away. He did not want his visit to the Memorial to become a publicity stunt.
Article provided by Carlos R. Ares from Elvis Shop Argentina https://www.facebook.com/elvis.shop.argentina/
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