Christmas was always a very special time for Elvis. Graceland, his home, became a place of joy and happiness for everyone. He loved the holidays, being with his family and all the fun things that Christmas brought: decorating, opening presents, celebrating New Year’s Eve, his birthday, sleigh rides, making snowmen…
Although Elvis loved receiving gifts, his favorite Christmas activity was giving gifts to everyone.
His friends received cash bonuses. Gifts for family members ranged from jewelry to new cars. Elvis loved the happy faces on their faces as they opened the presents. The early morning hours of Christmas Day were often the best times at Graceland. After everyone had gone to bed, Elvis and the boys would take out the presents and place them under the tree.
He always wondered what all the poor people were doing that night. “I wish I could feed all the poor children and give them presents,” he reflected sadly.
When it came to Christmas, Elvis never grew up, he was always a child.
In 1957, when Elvis purchased Graceland, all the traditions began in his new home. Buying Graceland gave him the opportunity to celebrate the holiday the way he liked, and fill it all with Christmas lights and decorations. The driveways and main house were lined with blue lights, and out front were Christmas trees, decorated with colored lights, a Santa sleigh, and a train of eight reindeer. Inside, his mansion was fully decorated, with the spotlight on the huge white spinning nylon Christmas tree. After Christmas Day dinner, everyone would gather around the piano to sing Christmas carols.
Elvis’ Christmas songs were very significant in his musical career. His songs and his Christmas spirit, like gospel music, were deeply reminiscent of his roots and origins, and were forever reflected in his Christmas albums.
To this day, Graceland’s Christmas decorations remain a tradition, and are kept intact, to ensure that it remains the magical and iconic place that keeps the memory of Elvis and his love for the holidays alive.
Information written and provided by Rosa García Mora https://www.facebook.com/rosa.garciamora.12
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