In May, the concert album Aloha from Hawaii goes to #1 on the pop charts. It is their first #1 album since the soundtrack to the 1965 film “Roustabout.” It will also be their last #1 album on the pop charts.
From June 20 to July 3, 1973, Elvis went on tour again. In July 1973, Elvis, not very motivated, did a recording session at Stax Studios in Memphis for his future album “Raised On Rock“. Elvis had not recorded in a Memphis studio since 1969 when he did so at American Sound Studios. It was hoped that the fact of recording in Memphis again would be a good incentive for Elvis to record great songs.
Unfortunately, the results of this first session were not entirely favorable. Among the main reasons were Elvis’s little desire to record (Elvis at this time was in the final phase of the entire divorce process from Priscilla).
On August 6, 1973, Elvis returned to the Las Vegas Hilton for his second engagement of the year. It would end on September 3 with a performance that the colonel would not like and that would create tensions between the two. The general reviews of this season in Las Vegas were not good either.
Much emphasis was placed on the way Elvis recorded his first album. the singer’s physique and the lack of interest he shows in his performances.
Information provided by Club Elvis Spain http://www.clubelvis.org
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