Two days after his ‘closing night’ in Las Vegas, Elvis leaves for a short tour in September 1970. Full of confidence, Presley kicks off the tour in Phoenix, Arizona; the next show is in St. Louis, Missouri, and, like in Las Vegas, it is not a typical concert. The Elvis Presley Show includes the program and the sale of memorabilia.
It seems like we are back in the 50s again but Elvis is 100% up to date. New on this tour is “I’ve Lost You,” and ‘The Imperials’ are replaced by ‘The Hugh Jarrett Singers.’ The crowd is wildly enthusiastic.
Elvis imitates Tom Jones, Engelbert Humperdinck and Glen Campbell during ‘Polk Salad Annie‘, before showing the audience what it should look like. He finishes his karate demonstration by falling to the floor of the stage. The crowd goes wild!
Kathy Westmoreland, who had a close relationship with Elvis during this time, experienced some shocks in St. Louis as the audience reactions were even wilder than in Las Vegas. She loses Elvis’s jacket when they try to escape from a crowd following him.
Suddenly she finds herself alone in the chaos of arms and legs wildly struggling to reach her.
Kathy probably puts up more of a fight than the rest, and a bodyguard mistakes her for an overzealous fan and karate chops her in the neck!

A sign of the popularity is the story Elvis loves to tell later: the last stop on the tour was Mobile, Alabama.
Elvis was unhappy with the hotel because there was no air conditioning, he called a motel to ask for a room, without saying who he was.
Motel response: “…sorry sir…There are no rooms.”
Elvis repeats the request and tells him that he needs 30 rooms immediately.
The lady at the motel:
“…I’m sorry, sir… there are no rooms. Didn’t you hear? Elvis Presley is in the city…”
Source: elvisnews.com
Information provided by Elvis Shop Argentina https://www.facebook.com/elvis.shop.argentina
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