On January 18, 1968, ‘Variety‘ magazine announced the news of Elvis Presley’s first television special.
A few days before this announcement, Presley was in the recording studio finishing up the film ‘Stay Away Joe‘ and recording his latest single, “US Male,” in Nashville, Tennessee.
“The times they are a-changing” for Elvis even before the TV Special when he returned to his roots in September 1967 recording “Guitar Man,” “Big Boss Man” and “Hi-Heel Sneakers” (the first two would be included on the TV Special).
Elvis had been preparing his plan to return to television and perform live.
The famous brothel scene (“Bordello”) did not pass NBC censors when the show first aired on December 3, 1968.

However, it aired in late 1977 after Elvis died with additional footage containing the songs “Let Yourself Go” and “It Hurts Me” as part of a three-hour special that included the 1973 show, ‘Aloha From Hawaii’.
The program was hosted by Ann-Margret and titled “Memories of Elvis.”
Source: elvisnews.com
Information provided by Elvis Shop Argentina. https://www.facebook.com/elvis.shop.argentina/
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