Edited 31-May-1972. Album, Studio B RCA Nashville – Radio Recorders
- Confidence
- Guitar Man
- Big Boss Man
- Old MacDonald
- You Don’t Know Me
- Frankie And Johnny
- How Would You Like To Be
- They Remind Me Too Much Of You
- Long Legged Girl (With The Short Dress On)
- Down By The Riverside / When The Saints Go Marching In
Released in June 1972, “Elvis Sings Hits From His Movies Vol. 1” was a new release from the Camden label (RCA). Lately this label had set its sights on Elvis’s film material and this new LP was not going to be an exception. Well yes, it included two songs that were not from the soundtracks: Guitar Man and Big Boss Man.
It did not give the impression of being releases that cared for aesthetics since, in addition to a cover of Elvis in concert, the songs were not in any order (in reference to keeping a chronological order). They were only releases with the idea of ??reissuing songs from Elvis’s old catalog and at the same time making money in an easy way.
The album reached number 87 on the Billboard charts, and obtained initial sales of 130,000 copies that would increase over time. Currently “Elvis Sings Hits From His Movies Vol. 1” is classified as a Platinum record by the RIAA.
Information provided by Club Elvis Spain http://www.clubelvis.org
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