Robert Call was there, ready with his camera as the car pulled up to the gates of Graceland in Memphis.
People were shouting ‘Elvis’ ‘Elvis’, the King of Rock’n’Roll smiled and waved to Call’s four-year-old granddaughter, Abby, and that’s when Robert took the photo…
The last photo of Elvis Presley alive was at 12:28 am on the morning of August 16; a few hours later Elvis would be found dead.
“…we were excited when my husband took the photo,” said Call’s wife, Nancy, but we didn’t realize it would be the last photo of Elvis. I will never forget how it happened.
Elvis was driving the car, there was a woman sitting in the front with him and two men in the back. I had Abby in my arms, almost pressed against the car window; she waved at him and was grinning from ear to ear. Elvis smiled at her, and for a second he waved at Abby. That’s when my husband took the photo, it was 12:28 AM.”
Ms Call said little Abby reacted to Elvis’ death with a touching comment, saying: ‘I bet he’s going to be an angel‘.
This is the last known photo of Elvis alive, showing him returning to Graceland after midnight on August 16, 1977 (the day he suffered a fatal heart attack). He drives his favorite 1973 Stutz Blackhawk.
Source: Claude Francisci
Information provided by Carlos Ares. Elvis Shop Argentina. https://www.facebook.com/elvis.shop.argentina/
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