According to Variety, “Viva Las Vegas” earned more than “A Hard Day’s Night” despite both films being released in 1964 at the height of Beatlemania.
“Viva Las Vegas” grossed $9,442,967 compared to $6,165,000 for the Beatles’ first film. This was the highest-grossing of any Elvis film, eclipsing his previous all-time hit, 1961’s “Blue Hawaii”, by around $450,000.
No soundtrack album was released for the film at the time the film was in theaters and no official reason has been given for this.
Some theaters chose to feature Ann-Margret over Elvis due to her popularity at the time.
Elvis Presley and Ann-Margret recorded a Jerry Leiber/Mike Stoller piece called “You’re the Boss” as a duet, but it was never used in the film. It has since been released.
Source: Elvis Presley Remembered Forever
Information provided by Elvis Shop Argentina. https://www.facebook.com/elvis.shop.argentina/
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