“Elvis Presley: The Lost Alternate Ending of Wild in the Country“
On February 6, 1961, Elvis Presley was called to film an alternate ending to “Wild In The Country”
Those who saw the film will remember that when Glenn Tyler (Elvis) runs out of the courthouse when he finds out that Irene Sperry (Hope Lange) had committed suicide, he arrives at her psychologist’s office and finds her alive.
And it is Irene herself who accompanies Glenn to the station to board the train that would take him to the University where he would complete his studies.
A happy ending, very Hollywood.
The photos we present correspond to discarded scenes and songs that were ultimately not used in the final copy. In the original script and first cut of the film, Irene does indeed commit suicide.

However, pre-release audiences reacted negatively to it.
It was too much for a film starring Elvis Presley, so the decision was made to reshoot the scene, with Irene surviving the suicide attempt.
And the one who sees Glenn off at the station is Betty Lee Parsons (Millie Perkins). A true tragedy for Elvis Presley’s best performance in his entire film career…
Article provided by © Carlos R. Ares from Elvis Shop Argentina. https://www.facebook.com/elvis.shop.argentina

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