WILD IN THE COUNTRY– Elvis Presley’s Last Dramatic Role –(Part 7) By Mariusz Ogieglo Forget Me Never The day after recording songs for his next film, on November 9, 1960, Elvis, the rest of the cast, and a group of…
WILD IN THE COUNTRY– Elvis Presley’s Last Dramatic Role –(Part 7) By Mariusz Ogieglo Forget Me Never The day after recording songs for his next film, on November 9, 1960, Elvis, the rest of the cast, and a group of…
WILD IN THE COUNTRY– Elvis Presley’s Last Dramatic Role –(Part 6) By Mariusz Ogieglo Songs for Presley’s films almost always followed the same pattern. Composers and lyricists were sent scripts with a clearly marked place for a song (and sometimes…
WILD IN THE COUNTRY– Elvis Presley’s Last Dramatic Role –(Part 5) In My Way The more often Elvis assured the public that he did not intend to sing in his films and wanted to become a serious actor, the sooner…
WILD IN THE COUNTRY– Elvis Presley’s Last Dramatic Role –(Part 4) The key male roles in the new film’s plot, apart from Elvis, of course, were played by William Mims and Gary Lockwood, among others. The former played the character…
WILD IN THE COUNTRY– Elvis Presley’s Last Dramatic Role –(Part 3) Much more often than Millie Perkins, viewers had the opportunity to see on screen the very young Tuesday Weld (or rather Suasan Ker Weld, because that was her real…
The rise and fall of the king of rock ‘n’ roll in new Netflix documentary “I’ve been fascinated by this guy my whole life because I realize that underneath this two-dimensional facade that we see culturally, there’s a human being.…
WILD IN THE COUNTRY– Elvis Presley’s Last Dramatic Role –(Part 2) By Mariusz Ogieglo In the summer of 1960, the American press reported that another famous name would join the group of creators of the new film. Clifford Odets. Coming…
WILD IN THE COUNTRY– Elvis Presley’s Last Dramatic Role –(Part 1) By Mariusz Ogieglo “What are you thinking about? ” “I’m thinking about dreams I used to have ,” Glenn Tyler, a troubled young writer, tells his therapist, Irene Sperry. The main…
Elvis Presley Radio Station FLAMING STAR– a demanding role for Presley –(Part 8, final) By Mariusz Ogieglo Flamingo Star Filmed in just over forty days, Flaming Star hit American cinemas in December 1960. Its premiere was planned to be released…
Elvis Presley Radio Station FLAMING STAR– A Challenging Role for Presley –(Part 7) By Mariusz Ogieglo On August 25, just after arriving in Los Angeles, Presley was invited to take part in a special photo shoot for the popular American…
ELVIS, FLAMING STAR– A Challenging Role for Presley –(Part 6) By Mariusz Ogieglo …Winter Tears After several weeks of intensive preparations and the completion of the soundtrack, the entire film crew finally left for the film set near Hollywood where…
FLAMING STAR– A Challenging Role for Presley –(Part 5) Black Star Up until now, the stories written for Presley’s films have been tailored to his individual style and personality. His singing voice and his youthful exuberance ,” wrote the March 1961…