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When the beauty of the artist and the mystery of the environment that envelops him, the photographer’s goal can leave us instantaneous like these, in which we see Elvis at the disturbing terrace of the Hollywood Knickerbocker Hotel. Elvis conducted a photo shoot, with photographer Ed Braslaff, on the hotel terrace, on Saturday, August 18, 1956. 

Elvis stayed at the 1016 hotel suite, while he was rolling the movie “Love Me Tender”. He was accompanied by his cousin Gene Smith. The hotel is an old historic hotel, now become a retirement house, and is located in 1714 Ivar Avenue in Los Angeles, California. It is famous since its construction, it was dedicated to the attention of the nascent film industry and it is the place where, as if of a damn place it was, some of the most dramatic, sinister and inexplicable moments happened in the lives of many of the Hollywood famous … what we do not usually see under the brightness, and the glamor of the Hollywood lights.

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It was designed in 1923 by the architect EM Frasier, in the form of apartments, but it did not become open. In July 1929, another skyscraper was completed and added to the firmament, when it opened as ” Hollywood Knickerbocker Hotel ” in 1714 Ivar Avenue. The luxurious Spanish colonial building and its nightclub, the Lido Room, immediately became a point of reference for the aristocrats, travelers and the people of the growing cinematographic community. 

But not everything would be brightness and glamor in the history of the hotel … In 1935, the macabre arrived to the Knickerbocker and really never left. When the Association of Magic on the Pacific coast held its third annual convention at the hotel. BESS HOUNDINI, MAGA and widow of the legendary Harry Houdini, attended the Convention and as If we were in a horror movie, a year later, on Halloween, on October 31, 1936, the widow of Harry Houdini celebrated its tenth session of Spiritism to contact the magician on the hotel terrace. 

On January 13, 1943, Frances Farmer was arrested in his hotel room after not being able to present himself to his probation officer. 

On July 23, 1948, the filmmaker DW Griffith was unconscious discovered in the hotel lobby and died of a cerebral hemorrhage on his hospital in Hollywood. 

Later to Elvis’s stay, in 1962, the famous dressing designer of Hollywood Irene Lentz, dejunted by the death of Gary Cooper, committed suicide by jumping from the window of his room on the 11th floor. 

The 3 March 1966, actor William Frawley walked through Hollywood Boulevard when he suffered a heart attack and died in the lobby … 

When Elvis stayed at the hotel in the fifties, the Hotel kept keeping all its light and glamor, but also a story of ghosts that enveloped that place. Beautiful and disturbing photos surrounded by mystery that left us Ed Braslaff, by a young Elvis of a shocking beauty, at a time of his life in which he was coming to the top and in an almost ghostly environment.

Information provided by Elvis. El Chico De Tupelo:



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