EDITED 1958-MAR-31
Reference: 20/47-7240
Side A: Wear My Ring Around Your Neck
Recorded: February 1, 1958, Radio Recorders studios in Hollywood, California
Author: Bert Carroll & Russell Moody
Side B: Doncha Think It’s Time
Recording: February 1, 1958, Radio Recorders studios in Hollywood, California
Author: Clyde Otis & Willie Dixon
Publication date: April 1, 1958
First two songs recorded in 1958 published in single format; its side A entered the Top 100 lists on April 14, 1958 directly at number seven, which was quite an achievement for the artist since never had a song of his managed to enter the lists in such a good position. Despite this, it does not reach the first position, having to settle for number three. It was #3 on the Country charts and #7 on the R&B charts. The take chosen to extract the master would be number twenty-two.
Doncha Think It’s Time, the side B of him, would reach number 15 as a best position after eight non-consecutive weeks. For the master they had to use takes 40, 47 and 48. For the LP version 50,000,000 Elvis Fans Can’t Be Wrong – Gold Records vol 2 only take forty was used.
It is currently platinum, having sold more than a million copies.
This February 1 recording session at Radio Recorders featured Elvis’ regulars at the time, Scotty, Bill and DJ, plus Hilmer J. “Tiny” Timbrell on rhythm guitar, Dudley Brooks on piano and The voices of The Jordanaires: Gordon Stoker, Neal Matthews, Hoyt Hawkins and Hugh Jarrett.
Information provided by Club Elvis Spain http://www.clubelvis.org
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