What would Scott ‘Mac’ Davis’ composition sound like if Elvis had recorded it in 1969?

While preparing for the famous recording session at the American Sound studio in Memphis, Elvis Presley wanted to record some compositions by Scott ‘Mac’ Davis. Among them, among others “In The Ghetto“, “Don’t Cry Daddy” and “Home“. Another piece by this eminent American author that Presley wanted to include in his repertoire was “Poor Man’s Gold“.
However, when in mid-January Elvis had to suspend his participation in the recordings due to health indisposition – he was struggling with a severe cold, the musicians present in the studio worked without him and recorded the instrumental background for the aforementioned song (“Poor Man’s Gold“) in the hope that Elvis would complete him for his vocals after returning to the studio.
And it would hardly have happened that way. On the night of January 21/22, 1969, Elvis attempted to record the vocal track for “Poor Man’s Gold“, but distracted by a fire truck passing by the studio, he stopped recording after only fifteen seconds and … never returned to it.
The song remained unfinished. Until today!
A few days ago, the creators of the Elvis Archival Preservation Society channel finished the song with the help of artificial intelligence. The effect turned out to be impressive and extremely realistic. Thanks to the efforts of the people at EAPS, today we received a unique opportunity to hear what this poignant ballad would have sounded had Elvis finished it on that January night in 1969.
“Wow, that’s fascinating and terrifying at the same time ,” commented one fan upon hearing the finished recording. Such actions make us seriously think about what will be flooded the Internet in a few years. What will artificial intelligence be used for? Will we be able to distinguish fiction from reality?
Will the creators use this technology like Paul McCartney, who a few weeks ago announced the implementation of the last joint song of The Beatles , “Now And Then“, with the use of artificial intelligence (however, the mentioned technology will be used here only to extract vocals from the old demo John Lennon) or maybe we’re in for a flood of completely “new” or unfinished songs like in the case of Elvis Presley and the above-described “Poor Man’s Gold“
What is your opinion?
(Info: Elvis Information Network/Mariusz Ogieglo), EP Promised Land (Poland) http://www.elvispromisedland.pl/