On this date the book written by Red and Sonny West and David Hebler with the help of “journalist” Steve Dunleavy was published.
A controversial publication exposed for the first time aspects of Elvis’ personal life, quite far from the image that the public had of him: “Elvis: What Happened”.
This image, far from scandals and controversies, had been carefully built by Colonel Tom Parker.
“Elvis: What Happened”, written with the resentment of having been fired by Vernon Presley, Elvis’s father, finished dealing the coup de grace to Elvis’s health, who was deeply mortified to think that this book was going to be on the market. reach of his fans and especially his own daughter, Lisa Marie.
Information provided by Elvis Shop Argentina. Carlos R. Ares https://2001elvisfanclubargentina.blogspot.com/p/principal.html?m=1
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