Elvis and Linda Thompson


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After Elvis’ hospitalization in 1973, Elvis recuperated at Graceland in his room with Linda Thompson. 

Dr. Nick continued to care for Elvis every day, and tried to persuade Elvis to go to a sleep clinic, but his attempts failed. He made a tape of ocean and rain sounds to help him sleep. 

Linda was Elvis’s best ally in all of this; she kept track of Elvis’ medications and was alert to any intrusion of uncontrolled medications from other doctors. Linda was a positive force in every way, doing everything she could to cheer Elvis up and trying to help in any way she could. 

Many books were brought for Elvis to read. It was a relaxing atmosphere and Elvis was having fun and laughing his infectious laugh again. 

Elvis became himself again as he spent time with Linda Thompson and her family. Elvis confessed to Dr. Nick that he was becoming increasingly worried about returning to work.

Dr. Nichoupoulos sent a nurse to Graceland to give Elvis sleeping medication and told the Colonel to shorten the upcoming tour to just 2 weeks.

Source: Elvis Presley Remembered Forever 

Information provided by Elvis Shop Argentina https://www.facebook.com/elvis.shop.argentina

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