Article provided by ELVIS. El Chico de Tupelo
Rosa García Mora

On March 28, 1958, Elvis arrived at Fort Hood, Texas, where he would undergo six months of basic training before leaving for Germany.
Elvis was assigned to the 2nd Armored Division at the Fort Hood military base, outside Killeen, Texas, to perform basic and advanced tank training.
The division was the famous
“Hell on Wheels” by General George Patton.
Six other recruits from Memphis moved along with Elvis, who would remain at the base for eight weeks.
In the photo Elvis tries on some boots and his latest model in military clothing.
Elvis attended to the press with patience and good humor at all times, and only refused to sign autographs when he was “on duty.”
Seeing that the media attention did not stop, the Army reconsidered the policy of allowing the press free access to Elvis.
What catches my attention in the photo is how Elvis never lost his smile, even in the most difficult situations… He had just given up everything he wanted, to serve his country, he was afraid of never recovering his artistic career… But still, smile…
Information provided by ELVIS. El Chico De Tupelo
Rosa García Mora
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