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The First Elvis Fan Club, 1956

By Rosa García Mora

Kay Wheeler, first heard Elvis sing on a live radio broadcast from the ‘Big D. Jamboree’ in Dallas.

Kay was 16 years old.

Her aunt worked at Dallas radio station KLIF, and Kay went to visit her one day. The disc jockey, who worked at the station, did not know Elvis, but he had a record of his and he told Kay “you won’t believe the record I have in my hand… the singer has a very corny name, his name is Elvis.” “Presley.” Kay came out in defense of his idol and told her “… well all the girls are crazy about him… and I’ve even thought about creating a Fan Club.”


The DJ was amused by that situation and later, on the air, as a joke, he announced Kay’s name and address on the radio, as president of the “Elvis Presley Fan Club.”

Almost immediately, Kay began receiving large amounts of mail at her home from girls who wanted to join the supposed Club.

Seeing this, Kay, astonished, was encouraged to make what was just an idea a reality and began as a joke.

He wrote to Bob Neal, who forwarded his letter to Colonel Parker. The Colonel’s assistant, Carolyn Asmus, responded that they had nothing established regarding Elvis fan clubs, and that the Colonel had said that he should go ahead with the creation of the Club.

He also told him that Elvis was doing a show in San Antonio, that if he wanted to go, he could meet Elvis there.

He did so, and on April 15, 1956, in San Antonio, Texas; Kay would meet his idol and create the first Elvis Fan Club: The Nation’s First & Largest Elvis Presley Fan Club.

Elvis with Kay Wheeler, creator of the first Elvis fan club, in San Antonio. April 15, 1956

Thanks to Kay, fans could get closer to their idol, and at the same time, many other fan clubs would be created around the world. For Elvis it was something very important since, as we know, Elvis loved his fans above all else and always took care of them, attended to them and took care of giving them his love and autographs.

Article written and provided by Rosa García Mora

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