“Straight from Graceland: ELVIS” – an exhibition of memorabilia from the king of rock’n’roll.
By Marius Ogieglo, EP Promised Land (Poland)

Hundreds of Elvis Presley memorabilia to see in London
“This is the largest retrospective exhibition to ever leave Graceland .” Yes, about the opening on Friday, October 20 this year. exhibition in London, representatives of Graceland/EPE wrote in a press release sent to fans and media representatives.
The exhibition entitled “Straight from Graceland: ELVIS“, which can be seen at Arches London Bridge, consists of over four hundred memorabilia of the legendary singer, most of them never before shown in public, which create an extraordinary cross-section of his successful career.
Items on display include Presley’s famous outfits, such as the gold suit, black leather outfit from the 1968 NBC special and the legendary “American Eagle” jumpsuit that Elvis wore during the historic “Aloha From Hawaii” satellite performance. as well as numerous elements of the artist’s personal wardrobe and jewelry (including police badges and the jacket the singer was wearing a few hours before his death in August 1977).
In addition, several vehicles were also brought to London – including the famous three-wheeler and the red car from the movie “Blue Hawaii“, from Presley’s extensive collection of cars and motorcycles.
Additionally, the exhibition also includes many of Elvis’s personal belongings, such as his wallet, razor, diplomas, collection of books and records, and even his personal keys to Graceland.
“Travel through the subsequent rooms of our gallery and discover Elvis – a global sensation, performer and movie star ,” encourage the event organizers on the Arches London Bridge website. “ Experience first-hand the incredible tributes to his ‘The 68 Special’, ‘Aloha From Hawaii’ and his Las Vegas concerts with all the immersive spectacle to relive these performances. Finally, explore his legacy and impact on pop culture from the opening of Graceland through to Baz Luhrmann’s critically acclaimed 2022 film, ‘Elvis .’
The exhibition, which will be on view until February 25, 2024, is already extremely popular among Elvis fans. ” I have never been so close to Elvis – I could see live and almost touch his world, the elements in which a part of him is hidden, through which he speaks to us and which are full of his spirit,” wrote Emilia in her report, who, along with several others , Presley fans from Poland watched it a few days ago.
If you also want to enter the world of Elvis for a few moments and see this unique exhibition, visit the Arches London Bridge website today and buy tickets!
Info: (Graceland/Arches London Bridge/Polska Mafia EP/Mariusz Ogieg?o)
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