Elvis Presley with his parents

Elvis Presley Biography (1935-1955) Episode 1

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Elvis Presley with his parents

Elvis Presley, The Birth of a Myth

In Tupelo, Mississippi, shortly before dawn, in a two-bedroom house built by her husband, Vernon Presley, and her brother-in-law, Gladys Presley gives birth to twin sons. The first, Jesse Garon, was stillborn. The second, Elvis Aron, is born alive and healthy. Elvis would be his only son.

Elvis grew up in a very close-knit, working-class family, made up of his parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins, who lived close to each other in Tupelo. There was little money, but Vernon and Gladys did everything they could to provide for their son, who was the center of their lives. They move from one house to another in Tupelo. Elvis regularly attends the Assembly of God Church with his family, and music and prayer mark him deeply. Other influences are black blues musicians on neighborhood radio shows and enjoying country music with his family.

Information provided by Club Elvis Spain http://www.clubelvis.org

Last Train to Memphis: The Rise of Elvis Presley. Click on the image to buy

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