DECEMBER 15, 1956
Last show for the Louisiana Hayride at the Hirsch Youth Center in Shreveport, Louisiana.
‘Shreveport Times’: “…the revolving minstrel was practically not heard due to the deafening screams from the 9,000 fans who filled the Hirsch.
The Pelvis had more movement than a well-oiled Swiss watch“
To say that the show was electrifying is the least we can say!
NOTE: Fortunately it was recorded and appeared on “Young Man With The Big Beat“.
THE SHOW: Heartbreak Hotel, Long Tall Sally, I Was The One, Love Me Tender, Don’t Be Cruel, Love Me, I Got A Woman, When My Blue Moon Turns To Gold Again and Paralyzed (both from their then “new” LP) and a very long interpretation Wild Hound Dog!
Translated and adapted by Carlos Ares from the book “Did Elvis singin your hometown” by LEE COTTEN and own notes.
Information provided by Elvis Shop Argentina https://www.facebook.com/share/nKTT8BUvYZgYHHE2/

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