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My encounters with Elvis in 1959 and 1960
Sigrid Schutz

I live in Mainz and on 24.5.1959 I went on a day trip to Bad Nauheim with acquaintances who owned a car at the time.

As a raving Elvis fan, I had hoped to see my idol there, but never believed that this could happen. But we waited barely 10 minutes with more fans in front of the house he was living in when Elvis stepped out. It was like winning the lottery and the feelings of facing a world star – no matter how revered you were – were indescribable. He gave willingly signed autographs and was happy to be photographed alone or with his followers. So I was able to take a lot of pictures of him.

During my school holidays in the summer, I was with my parents for 2 weeks in Bad N
auheim. My 2nd home was of course Goethestraße 14, where I could see and talk to Elvis almost every day. It will never forget how normal, natural, friendly and polite he was and how modest his demeanor was – and that as a successful and well-known star. That he must have looked unbelievably good Actually, they shouldn’t even be mentioned.
During this time, of course, a lot of photos were taken, all of which I had signed.

My parents, who were also very enthusiastic about Elvis, made it possible for me to go to Bad Nauheim for a few days during the Christmas holidays in January 1960. So I was very lucky and pleasure to meet Elvis up close a few more times.
I will never forget these experiences of my youth, I still draw on them today and love him and his music forever.

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