AUGUST 24, 1956 20th Century-Fox’s stage 1, Hollywood.
Producer: Lionel Newman/ Arranger: Ken Darby/ Engineers: Bob Mayer/Ken Runyon Guitar: Vito Mumolo/ Accordion: Dom Frontieri/ Bass: Mike “Myer” Rubin/ Drums: Richard Cornell/ Vocals: Rad Robinson, Jon Dodson/ Banjo: Luther Rountree, Charles Prescott.
Fox didn’t use individual slates or take numbers, they ran them consecutively, and so the information isn’t entirely clear.

In interviews at the time, Elvis confessed to having trouble sleeping, feeling hurt by the criticism that followed his appearances at Milton Berle; in general, having problems because “…everything is happening to me very quickly.”
What seemed to the world to be nothing more than a series of phenomenal strokes of luck was actually the result of his own determination, application and hard work.
Now, already plagued by personal insecurities and a lack of direction from the record company, Elvis had to learn how to make movies.
Elvis was very excited about the idea of ??filming (he knew his own lines and everyone else’s in the script by heart), but the theme song still irritated him.

20th Century Fox had refused to let him record with his band, but apparently for the wrong reasons. Fox’s excuse was that Scotty and Bill couldn’t play Country (!), which was what the script called for.
Source: elvisnews.com/Elvis Today Photos: Internet
Information provided by Elvis Shop Argentina
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