September 26 is proclaimed Elvis Presley Day in Tupelo, Mississippi. Elvis’s parents join him in his return to the city of his birth, which now sees him arrive as a star. He performed two shows at the Mississippi-Alabama Fair, the same fair in which he had performed at age 10. This time there are a hundred members of the National Guard surrounding the stage to control the crowd of excited fans.
At that time, the marketing of souvenirs with the Elvis name, image and likeness has become a large part of the Elvis phenomenon. Licenses that in a short time produce up to thirty different products, including caps, t-shirts, jeans, scarves, shoes, shirts, blouses, belts, purses, wallets, purses, bracelets, necklaces, magazines, gloves, bookends, a statue, pencil lipsticks, cologne, stuffed dogs, stationery, sweaters, tableware, etc. Elvis and the Colonel break new ground in the field of star marketing. This would forever become a part of Elvis Presley’s marketing, with demand never ceasing.
Information provided by Club Elvis Spain http://www.clubelvis.org
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