On August 15, 1959, Captain Joseph Beaulieu moves from Texas to Wiesbaden Air Base, near Friedberg, Germany, accompanied by his wife and children, including his 14-year-old stepdaughter, Priscilla Ann. Priscilla is the only child from Ann Beaulieu’s marriage to her first husband, James Wagner, a Navy pilot who died in a plane crash when Priscilla was a baby.
Through a mutual friend, Priscilla is invited to a party at Elvis’s house, shortly after his arrival in Germany. The attraction between the two is immediate and that same night Elvis comments to Charlie Hodge “she is the woman I have been looking for all my life.” From that date on, Priscilla will be a regular in the circle of friends who are with Elvis. They become inseparable to the point that Priscilla will accompany Elvis on his farewell to Germany, and she will be photographed by the press present there.
Her photo would appear in life magazine with the title “The Girl He Left Behind.” Despite the distance, Elvis would continue to have contact with Elvis until he was reunited.
Information provided by Club Elvis Spain http://www.clubelvis.org
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