By Rosa García Mora
Elvis and Nancy Sharpe met during the filming of the film Flaming Star, at 20th Century-Fox. Filming began on August 16 and ended on October 5, 1960. Elvis and Nancy began dating when he met her on the set of the film. She worked as a costume department manager at the time.
Nancy Sharpe seems to be the girl Elvis wanted to hide. Elvis was careful not to show their relationship, but although there was some outward hint of romance, it was contained.
When the film ended, Elvis returned to his home in Memphis and five weeks later, on November 11, 1960, he returned to begin filming “Wild in the Country“, the Jerry Wald production. Nancy was assigned to this film at Elvis’ request. The film began production in Napa, California, and it was here that the two were finally seen for the first time holding hands, walking arm in arm, stealing sneaky kisses during picnic lunches, and making their relationship visible.

Let’s not forget that Elvis had a stable dating relationship with Anita Wood, which lasted from 1957 to 1962. Which did not prevent his numerous affairs and love affairs, which were the tone of his entire life.
“She’s a great girl. I admire her a lot and we have a lot of fun together,” Elvis said of Nancy. “We see each other about once a week. That’s all the time we have together. Sometimes I see other girls and I guess she sees other men. But we’ve never talked about marriage.”

Information written and provided by Rosa García Mora https://www.facebook.com/rosa.garciamora.12
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