And the Grass Won’t Pay No Mind
By Rosa García Mora
“And the Grass Won’t Pay No Mind” is a song written and recorded by Neil Diamond in 1969.
Neil, who had always greatly admired Elvis, had scheduled a recording session with Chips Moman at American Sound Studio in Memphis for January 13, 1969, but Moman, who was more interested in having Elvis record than Neil – since it had taken both he and Marty Lacker a great deal of effort to convince Elvis to go and record with the Americans – asked Neil if he would mind changing the dates he had booked and giving them to Elvis, to which Neil kindly agreed. In return for this gesture, Elvis promised to record an album of his. And so he did.
This is how the idea of ??recording this song came about, which was recorded by Elvis on February 17, 1969 at the glorious American Soundand first released on the double album “From Memphis to Vegas, From Vegas to Memphis”, which would later also be released individually, as “Back in Memphis”.
Elvis would also later record another Diamond song live: “Sweet Caroline”. Neil still remembers Elvis fondly. They were neighbors in the house on Hillcrest Drive and their houses bordered each other by a fence. Neil still remembers little Lisa Marie and her son playing and laughing through that fence.
Another American gem where through Elvis’ interpretation, you can see and feel the story of that scene as if you were right in front of you. The story of two lovers for whom only that moment exists, you can feel their lips softly kissing or feel the warmth of the sun on them. See that bird flying, while you feel the gentle wind cooling the sweat on the palms of their hands, and you can close your eyes and hear the flowers grow. A moment that Elvis turns into something so intimate, that… not even the grass will care.
Another incredibly intimate delight that we can feel and visualize in the interpretation of the prodigious Elvis of the Americans.
Article written and provided by Rosa García Mora https://www.facebook.com/rosa.garciamora.12
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