On May 1, 1967, Elvis and Priscilla were married in a private ceremony among a small group of family and friends at the Aladdin Hotel in Las Vegas. Just after 11:40 a.m., the couple held a press conference and then a breakfast reception. The couple’s honeymoon took place in Palm Springs, where they spent two days at Elvis’s home there. They then returned to Memphis, where they stayed between the Circle G Ranch and Graceland. Elvis’ interest in the Ranch gradually waned. On May 24, 1967, Elvis and Priscilla celebrated their 22nd wedding anniversary.
On May 29, 1967, Elvis and Priscilla dressed in their respective wedding outfits held a second wedding reception in the trophy room at Graceland, primarily to accommodate family and friends who were not in Las Vegas for the wedding.

In June 1967, Elvis began recording the soundtrack and filming for the Metro Goldwyn Mayer film “Speedway,” which would co-star Nancy Sinatra.
The film, which would not have any new plot twists, would deal with the world of car racing. Elvis would once again play a role similar to those he had already played. Despite all this, Elvis was happy for the first time in a long time… and during the production of this film, Elvis made Priscilla’s pregnancy official.
Once the filming of Speedway was finished, two nights were reserved at the RCA studios on Sunset Boulevard to record songs for a new studio album. The idea was for Elvis to record songs taking advantage of the collaboration with guitarist and producer Bill Strange, who had recently had a lot of success with Nancy Sinatra. Finally, the session had to be cancelled, caused by a problem with one of Elvis’ assistants, Richard Davis, which forced the artist to give up and leave Los Angeles to avoid bad publicity.
On the other hand, the lack of interest in Circle G causes Vernon to start selling the machinery, trucks, tractors, etc. in order to recover some of the money invested. By the end of September the ranch will be put up for sale.
Information provided by Club Elvis Spain http://www.clubelvis.org
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