In June Elvis goes on tour again. He holds a press conference in New York on June 9. He looks tanned and in good shape, having recently been on vacation in Hawaii.
MGM is on site to film the conference for use in “Elvis On Tour.” Elvis makes history by performing four sold-out concerts at New York’s Madison Square Garden. John Lennon, George Harrison, Bob Dylan, David Bowie and Art Garfunkel are among the music stars who see the show.
Nine days after the concerts are recorded, RCA releases a live album of one of the shows, “Elvis As Recorded At Madison Square Garden.” This album sells very well and receives another gold record. The LP reaches number 11 on the Billboard charts. Elvis on this tour visits seven more cities. Elvis’s stints in Las Vegas and his tours of cities across the United States break attendance records.
Information provided by Club Elvis Spain http://www.clubelvis.org
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