Sonny West: “…nothing touched me more than when Elvis bought a wheelchair for a poor old black woman who lived near Humes High School. Marty Lacker read a story about her in the newspaper.
He had no legs from the hips down and moved on boards with skates attached to the bottom. Marty showed the article to Elvis and a nod set things in motion.
Marty and Richard Davis went to the medical supply store, bought an electric wheelchair, and loaded it into the truck. Richard and Alan drove to the woman’s house, followed by Elvis, Priscilla, Marty, Billy and me in the limo.
When we arrived, the woman’s husband opened the door and we carried the chair into the small living room. When he called the lady, she saw the chair and asked: “…what is this?”
“…ma’am, it’s just something that will allow you to get anywhere you want to go,” Elvis said.
“…it’s electric, so you don’t need anyone to push it. It’s something we wanted to do for you to help you get around better.”
Her eyes filled with tears and she asked in a soft tone, “…can I sit on it, please?”
Elvis and I bent down, picked her up and sat her in the chair. She ran her arms up and down the shiny wheels as tears flowed. And I’m not just talking about her. We said goodbye and outside Alan wondered if the woman knew who Elvis was.
“…never mind man,” Elvis said. “…at least she knows someone cares.”
Source: Elvis Presley . Taking Care of Business
Translation and Adaptation Carlos and Claudia from Elvis Shop Argentina https://www.facebook.com/elvis.shop.argentina
Photos: Internet

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