The song “It Hurts Me” was composed by Joy Byers and Charlie E. Daniels. Recorded by Elvis Presley on January 12, 1964 at Studio B in Nashville.
It had more than enough merits to be released as the A-side of a single, but its first release was, very unfairly, made as the B-side of Kissin’ Cousins.
Elvis Presley recorded it again on June 20/21, 1968 at the recording sessions for the NBC “Elvis TV Comeback Special.” And, in my opinion, it was again treated unfairly, with Elvis singing it during a fight scene.
An incredibly beautiful song, where words are superfluous.
“It’s exciting to have had a bunch of songs recorded by Elvis. Can you imagine getting lucky in something like that? I was a housewife in the 1950s, living in a lower-middle-class neighborhood, and the next thing I know I’m writing songs for Elvis Presley. I was thrilled, just thrilled.” Joy Byers.
Article written and provided by Rosa García Mora https://www.facebook.com/rosa.garciamora.12
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