Sometimes appearances deceive us and hide from us the true face of man, his interior, his reality. The artist is always exposed to an image that he gives to his public and society, it is what can set a wrong direction and not reveal events as they are, but simply as they seem.
The feeling, the reason, the search of man, are sometimes clouded by the image of the myth that inadvertently drags the character hopelessly towards another direction different from the desired one and with this, losing control of his path.
But you can always have hope, repentance, the need for change to make that door open and we can see a new and clean dawn.
For many, these opportunities do not usually happen twice, but you have to have hope to be able to live again.
1975, begins for Elvis Presley, the man, the myth…. the King!!
The year 1975 begins with a great variety of artists, groups and musical styles. Like John Denver, Olivia Newton John, Queen, America, Jethro Tull, Elton John, Carpenters, etc… Different musical styles and also new and renowned artists.

The truth is that Elvis Presley was not on the list of the most successful performers of the moment and the fact that he was focusing more on concerts kept him further and further away from the top. It was necessary and essential to record new songs.
At the beginning of the year, in the first three months, two singles and two LPs would be published, which could once again open the doors of success. And also make his potential as an artist known to a new audience, but not everything depended on starting to record. The work of advertising and marketing their albums was 50% of a possible success.
That is to say that even if Elvis devoted himself to recording new songs in an impeccable manner, if these albums were not heard on the radio, on TV, or had enough advertising, it was difficult to reach any audience. This was Colonel Parker’s commercial work, it was also important to continue with his concerts because obviously an artist has to continue performing before the public and also because these functions would give him a lot of income. This is why it was important to start the year in good shape, record and fulfill concert commitments.
But Elvis would begin the year with health problems and addiction, so he had to be hospitalized and postpone his commitment to the Hilton Hotel until the spring of 1975. Before that, he committed to recording new material in the studios. In these recordings he would once again demonstrate his great quality as an artist.
Elvis Presley 1975, article provided by De Tupelo a Memphis. https://www.detupeloamemphis.com/
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