1958: Sophia Loren – Meets – ELVIS (at Paramounts Cafe Continental)
Sofia: “I bet you wish they would stop screaming,” said the beautiful Italian actress.
Elvis: “Never,”
“And I’ll tell you why! They cover up my mistakes. A lot of times when I start to hit a high note and I know I’m not going to make it I do some crazy move and they scream.. nobody notices the difference.”
Sofia: “Also the movements you make when the music plays” “You know,” she mused.
Elvis: “The hardest thing in the world is to be yourself. Every time I am myself I am criticized for it.”
Sofia: “Elvis, I think you are a very nice guy.”
It was a rare snapshot: two movie stars with nothing but youth and beauty, and this little moment for each other.
Article provided by Alfredo Ayul https://www.facebook.com/alfredo.ayul
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