Elvis Presley And His Parents Live in Public Housing in The Poor Neighborhoods of Memphis
Meanwhile, at Humes High School, Elvis nervously sings with his guitar at a talent show for the students. To his own surprise, he receives more applause than anyone else, which then prompts an encore. Acceptance makes you feel good.
Elvis and his parents live in public housing or low-rent housing in the poor neighborhoods of North Memphis. Life is still hard. Vernon and Gladys move from job to job and Elvis attends LC Humes High School. Elvis works several jobs to help or support himself and his parents. The Presley-Smith family remains very close, and Elvis and his family attend the Assembly of God Church. The teenage Elvis is still known for singing with his guitar. He buys his clothes on Beale Street and absorbs the black blues and gospel heard there. He is also a regular audience member at the black and white gospel concerts held downtown. He wears his hair long (compared to the standards of the time) and lets his sideburns grow. He is really different from the other children, a misfit but good-natured.
Information provided by Club Elvis Spain http://www.clubelvis.org

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