Graduation And First Recording (Sun Studios, Chasing a Dream)
On June 3, 1953, Elvis graduated from Humes High School. Soon after he quickly finds work at the Parker Machinist store after graduation. That summer, he dropped by Memphis Recording Service, the home of Sun Records, located at 706 Union Avenue, and recorded an acetate demo of the songs “My Happiness” and “That’s When Your.” Heartaches Begin” for a cost of around $4.00. The studio later became known as SunStudio, although it was never officially named until many years later.
The studio owner was away, so his assistant, Marion Keisker, took over the session. Elvis wanted to see what his voice sounded like on a record at the same time that he had aspirations of becoming a professional singer. He took the acetate and later gave it to his mother as a birthday gift, albeit a belated one. By the fall, Elvis began working at Precision Tool Company.

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