Private Elvis Presley kissing fan Lillian Portnoy, at Brooklyn Army Terminal, New York, before departing for Bremerhaven, Germany, aboard the troop transport ship, USS General George M. Randall, on Monday, September 22, 1958.
Elvis heads to Germany to serve his Army Service, having completed his basic training at Fort Hood.
After training at Fort Hood, Presley was assigned to the 1st Medium Tank Battalion, 32nd Armored, 3rd Armored Division, at Ray Barracks, Germany, where he served as an armored intelligence specialist.
He left Fort Hood on September 19 and went to the Brooklyn Army Terminal in New York, where he would travel to Germany on September 22, whose departure we can see in the photos.

Information provided by ELVIS. El Chico De Tupelo
Rosa Garcia Mora
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