Elvis Presley has faced crazy audiences in the past, but he sure was a nervous wreck when he met a mere 150 people on December 17, 1963, in the Mayor’s office in Memphis, Tennessee.
He was there not to entertain his audience, but to donate personal checks totaling $55,000 to 58 charities in the city of Memphis, Tennessee.
Many celebrities would have loved to make a big publicity move for this reason, calculating in advance the free publicity that this action would mean, but not Elvis, never Elvis.
He was a man who did charity not for publicity, not for public opinion, but for his love of God and his interest in humanity.
What moved him to give was something private and personal, and making a public ceremony of this made him feel uncomfortable throughout the ceremony.

As a token of gratitude for his generosity, the 58 entities presented Elvis with a 1.5 meter walnut plaque with the name of each participating organization on a bronze plate.
Even today, visitors to the mansion can see it on display (I think we’ve all taken a photo of it, right?)
Source: “Elvis Monthly” Magazine 5th Year #2
Information provided by Elvis Shop Argentina https://www.facebook.com/elvis.shop.argentina
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