On January 8, 1960, Elvis did a second telephone interview with Dick Clark. Elvis throws a birthday party that includes 200 guests, including Priscila. Joe Esposito and others are presented with a trophy inscribed, “Elvis Presley. Most Valuable Player. Bad Nauheim Association Football Sunday Afternoon 1959.”
Between January 12 and 17, Elvis makes a second trip to Paris with his karate instructor, Jurgen Seydel, to study with the Japanese karate master, Tetsuji Murakami. He takes classes every day in the shotokan technique. On January 20, 1960 Elvis was promoted to sergeant.
Elvis leaves Germany on March 2 at 5:25 pm, arriving in New Jersey the next day to hold a press conference. He is discharged from active duty on March 5, 1960, at 9:25 am. He boards a train from Memphis, which arrives on March 8. Press and crowds of fans are everywhere for this historic series of events. He holds a press conference at Graceland in his father’s office behind the mansion on March 8. He has served his country like any other person without any special privileges that his celebrity status could have offered him. These two years of his career have helped him mature. He has also constantly worried that his prolonged absence may have harmed his professional progress.
Information provided by Club Elvis Spain http://clubelvis.org
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