The two-room Tupelo home where Elvis was born in 1935 opens to the public. The house was restored by the East Heights Garden Club of Tupelo. It was also around this time that a long stretch of Highway 51 South, part of which runs in front of Elvis’s mansion, Graceland, was officially renamed Elvis Presley Boulevard. The first of the new street signs was installed in January 1972.
Elvis’ activity did not cease. At the recording level, albums and singles were released one after another. These releases continued to enjoy relative success, but problems were noted both in the production and in the choice of the songs released.
Likewise at the commercial level, 1971 offered us a magnificent album, “Elvis Country”, perhaps the only conceptual album of the career of the artist from Tupelo and one of the best of the 70s. By the end of June and beginning of July,
Elvis is preparing for a new round of concerts, this time in Lake Tahoe, where Col. Tom Parker has closed a deal with the Sahara Hotel.

In July, Elvis begins a two-week engagement at the Sahara Hotel in Lake Tahoe, Nevada. The theme “2001” has been a staple of his stage appearances since January 1971. As expected, Elvis breaks attendance records at this venue. The reviews for these concerts are very good, with Elvis in good form and a varied repertoire.
With hardly a break, Elvis returns to Las Vegas at the International Hotel, which has been renamed the Las Vegas Hilton International Hotel. This season in Las Vegas, Elvis receives an award in his dressing room. It is the Bing Crosby Award from the National Academy of Arts and Sciences, the organization that also awards the Grammy Awards. This award is a special award from NARAS and is named after its first recipient. The award is not awarded every year as a rule. Later, the name was changed to the Lifetime Achievement Award. Elvis is only 36 years old.
In mid-November Elvis goes on a 12-city tour. JD Sumner and the Stamps Quartet have replaced The Imperials and Jackie Kahane is now the opening comedian.
After the tour and back at Graceland, during the Christmas holidays Elvis and Priscilla separate. She leaves Graceland with Lisa Marie.
Information provided by Club Elvis Spain http://www.clubelvis.org
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