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On April 2, 1957, Elvis Presley performed twice at Maple Leaf Gardens in Toronto, Canada. He spoke to reporters and fans before his first show at the Gardens:

JOURNALIST: Do you have any matchmaking plans?

ELVIS PRESLEY (grinning broadly and giving both thumbs up): I haven’t even thought about it. I’ve been engaged twice, but I can’t even remember; my first romance was when I was 9. I fell in love with a woman when she was 20, and I thought that was the one. Now I like them all.

JOURNALIST: What is it like to travel from one place to another for one-night performances?

ELVIS PRESLEY: It’s a very hectic life, but I’d rather be on tour than making films or television appearances.

JOURNALIST: Do you have any plans to leave show business?

ELVIS PRESLEY: Not at the moment. He’ll probably dump me first.

JOURNALIST: Do you ever have stage fright?

ELVIS PRESLEY: Always. It’s the waiting that makes me nervous. I get over it after I’ve done a couple of songs. But I never fully relax.

JOURNALIST: Do displays of affection from teenagers interfere with your private life?

ELVIS PRESLEY: Certainly. I hadn’t been shopping since Christmas. Then I took a girl from Vegas with me* and there was such a crush that she got lost and had to take a cab home by herself. I’ve been scared a few times at shows, but I only remember a couple where the crowd really went wild.

JOURNALIST: Have you ever thought about becoming a doctor, lawyer or psychiatrist?

ELVIS PRESLEY: I haven’t thought about becoming a psychiatrist, but I have thought about consulting some of them.

JOURNALIST: Have you ever thought about wearing a costume?

ELVIS PRESLEY: My sideburns would give me away. Besides, a costume makes you look even stranger than you are.

JOURNALIST: Who chooses your songs?

ELVIS PRESLEY: My contract with RCA allows me to choose my own material. That’s a mistake a lot of artists make. Nobody knows better than you what is best for you.

JOURNALIST: How come you’re not wearing blue suede shoes?

ELVIS PRESLEY: I have five pairs of blue suede shoes at home, but I never wear them. That kind of thing gets worn out after a while.

JOURNALIST: Do you have any advice for teenagers?

ELVIS PRESLEY: Stay in school if you can. I never realized how important it was until I finished.

JOURNALIST: Do you write to your mother while you are on tour?

ELVIS PRESLEY: Sweetie, I haven’t written a letter since I left 6th grade.

Information provided by Elvis Shop Argentina https://www.facebook.com/elvis.shop.argentina/

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