From February 2/3 to February 8/9, 1976, Elvis conducted a week of recording sessions at Graceland.
The sessions scheduled for 8/9 and 11/12 have been cancelled.
This was the first time that Elvis made formal recordings at his home in Graceland, although in the past, on many occasions, he and his friends Red West, Charlie Hodge… had recorded songs informally, although without any commercial objective.
The session was arranged at Graceland because Elvis had become increasingly reluctant to visit recording studios and fulfill his contractual obligations to RCA. His last session had been held in Hollywood in March 1975 and, before that, at Stax Studios in Memphis in December 1973.
So, in the face of his refusal to agree to a formal studio session, RCA suggested bringing the recording equipment to his home. This idea had been suggested several times in the past, but had never been carried out. RCA parked a mobile truck at the back of Graceland to set everything up and make the recordings possible. This also required hiring a considerable number of musicians from Nashville and some even from further afield.

On February 6, 1976, in the Jungle Room at Graceland, Elvis recorded a beautiful song, “Love Coming Down.” With lyrics and music by Jerry Chestnut. It was released on the album “From Elvis Presley Boulevard, Memphis, Tennessee” in May 1976. It was originally recorded by George Jones in 1975.
Jerry Chesnut also wrote “It’s Midnight,” “Never Again,” “TROUBLE,” and “Woman Without Love,” all of which were also recorded by Elvis.
Jerry Chestnut considered this song to be one of the best songs he had ever written in his entire career. It is a beautiful and sad ballad in which Elvis conveys all the sorrow and the burden he already carried on his shoulders. In my opinion, a great song and, for me, the song that Elvis has sung with the most sadness in his entire life and the one that conveys the most sadness.
“I remember how your eyes used to light up
Over promises that I made
But for the first time in my life
I know now how it feels to be afraid
I don’t know what I’d do if you go away
This would sure be one lonely old town
For a man’s so busy going up in the world
That he couldn’t see love coming down
Love coming down”
Article written and provided by Rosa García Mora, https://www.facebook.com/rosa.garciamora.12
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