The research of two computer scientists, Steven Skiena and Charles B. Ward, ranked the most significant people in history.
Quantitative analyzes were conducted to compare the historical reputations of politicians, artists, scientists, and other famous people by aggregating the footprints of millions of opinions on the Internet.
The algorithm also took into account the importance of people 200 years after their death.
Jesus ranked number one as the most significant person in history, and Shakespeare was number 3.
For singers, Elvis Presley was the highest-ranking artist at #69 with Madonna (#121), Bob Dylan (#130) and John Lennon (#162) behind.
“…Elvis Presley’s long-term historical significance rivals that of the most famous classical composers,” stated Skiena and Ward
Source: https://www.elvisbiography.net Information provided by Elvis Shop Argentina https://www.facebook.com/elvis.shop.argentina Note that we publish in 2021.
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