“Why didn’t Carolyn Jones want to kiss Elvis Presley?”
By Alfredo Ayul
Famous as Morticia on the 1960s television series “The Addams Family,” Jones was also the only woman who, when given the chance, did not want to kiss Elvis Presley. Plagued by asthma as she grew up, Jones was prone to illness and she lost a starring role in “From Here to Eternity” in 1953 when she was diagnosed with pneumonia and she was forced to retire from it.
In 1958, he starred alongside Elvis Presley in “King Creole,” the last film the king of rock ‘n’ roll made before joining the army. Ray Bennett commented: When I interviewed Carolyn Jones she told me that she had been sick and she didn’t want to kiss him but she did…”She asked Elvis: “Isn’t there some way you can not kiss me because I have so many germs that I’m going to kill you? Elvis said: ‘It’s okay; maybe they’ll get me out of the army’, “””what was it like working with Elvis Presley?” She replied: “Oh, he was so young and innocent, and a dream to work with. He really stepped into the role of Danny Fisher and was sensitive enough to convey the drama and nuances of his character.
We spent a lot of time together between scenes and off camera, and I really enjoyed being with him and how respectful and inquisitive he was about becoming a good actor. Years later I saw Elvis, by accident, in Hollywood where I lived. He was traveling in a limousine and I was walking my dog. He saw me and stopped. We went to my house and sat outside talking about old times and his love for the “Creole King.” After a while, he became melancholy and confided in me, “Carolyn, I lost my way home.” It was heartbreaking, as he had grown tired and disillusioned with the films he was legally forced to make over the years.”
Various sources.
Information provided by Alfredo Ayul
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