By Mahnuel Muñoz
Elvis concluded his work at the American Sound studios on February 22, 1969. Looking back, he could feel proud of the fabulous work he created, which was a milestone in his career and, by extension, in his soul. Perhaps he felt particularly blessed by the gifts of his voice and his acting ability and, in a gesture of great humility and gratitude, he chose “Who Am I,” a religious song in which he asks who he is to deserve the sacrifice in the Cross of the son of god. He sings with devotion to say goodbye to the place and the days when the divine and the human seemed to conspire in favor of what is perhaps the King’s best set of songs.
It is very significant that Elvis concluded his studio work in the sixties – and the decade itself – with a spiritual song, returning to that channel with which, as a child, he fell in love with music. In some way, Elvis has been reborn and finds himself, like the child he was, facing a future full of surprises, beauty and disappointments. And like that childhood Elvis, he wanted to live in music and give himself in each song.
Article written and provided by Mahnuel Muñoz
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